Profile Picture

Hello! I'm Tejas, a graduate who is interested in problem-solving, coding, and web development. I am proficient in programming languages including JavaScript and C++, as well as frontend and backend web development with expertise in ReactJS and NodeJS.


  • HTML
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • ReactJS
  • NextJS
  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS
  • MongoDB
  • SQL
  • Elasticsearch
  • IAM
  • AWS Lambda
  • S3
Version Control
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • BitBucket


fund allocation

Fund Allocation System

Developed a comprehensive system enabling users to apply for project funds. The user interface was built using ReactJS.The backend was efficiently managed with Node.js and Express to handle API calls, ensuring seamless communication between the client and server. Mongoose was utilized to connect the application with MongoDB, providing robust data storage and retrieval capabilities. An admin panel was included to allow administrators to allocate funds based on the submitted project ideas, ensuring a streamlined and efficient fund distribution process.

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YouTube Clone

Developed a YouTube clone leveraging Google OAuth 2.0, YouTube API, ReactJS, and Tailwind CSS. The application integrates secure and seamless user authentication using Google OAuth 2.0. Additionally, it features a search bar, enabling users to easily search for and access videos from the YouTube API. This project showcases proficiency in modern web development technologies and API integration.. Key features include secure user authentication, video search functionality, and an intuitive user interface.This YouTube clone demonstrates the capability to integrate multiple APIs.

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Netflix Admin Dashboard

Developed a comprehensive system enabling users to apply for project funds. The user interface was built using ReactJS.The backend was efficiently managed with Node.js and Express to handle API calls, ensuring seamless communication between the client and server. Mongoose was utilized to connect the application with MongoDB, providing robust data storage and retrieval capabilities. An admin panel was included to allow administrators to allocate funds based on the submitted project ideas, ensuring a streamlined and efficient fund distribution process.

Education and Experience

Software Enginner Intern, Qualys Pune

Collaborated on the QFlow Dashboard using Next.js and ExpressJS, enhancing features and functionality. Implemented cron jobs for workflow management, added version display with sorting using react-table, and fixed frontend bugs. Maintained detailed API documentation with Swagger and optimized Elasticsearch queries for efficient data retrieval
Skills: Next.js · TypeScript · Node.js · Elasticsearch · Swagger API · Express.js

Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology

I completed my Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology from Pune University, where I studied subjects such as Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Database Management Systems (DBMS), Operating Systems (OS), Networking, and Data Structures and Algorithms. My final year project was a Depression Detection System using deep learning and machine learning techniques.